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Monday, August 10, 2020

Free Money During the Pandemic?

 Have you wondered where can you get free money during the pandemic?  Well, listen. There is a proper way to do so. Nevertheless, you have to keep in mind that there are two ways to view challenges like the current pandemic.

Get Free Money During the Pandemic


You can either focus on the other side when things get back to some degree of normality, hoping that will happen. On the other hand, you can seize the moment and improve your financial health by saving money with things you can do now.

Let’s explore some creative ways you can make the most of the situation. And, guess what? Millionaires give money away as well!


Before We start   

Firstly, there are some ways to capitalize on a free money giveaway, no strings attached, that you may want to try to get in on.   All over the world, millionaires and billionaires giving money away, are handing out cash to those that are in need. I do the same thing! So, just proceed and make your request HERE!  If you are in need of some assistance, perhaps this is a good option for you.   Once you find a list of millionaires that give cash to help out others, you can write to them.   If you are saying, I need cash now, let's explore how you should construct a letter to try to get in on a free money giveaway, no strings attached.

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

I will fund your business idea with $10.000 grant!

The best way towards riches is your own unique idea. You always have to consider to make money yourself and continue earning it more and more easily. As you know already, the internet is one of the markets that is expanding extremely fast. Maybe you have a good idea for an online home business that could bring quite a buck? Then you should definitely go for it! I will fund your business idea with a free $10.000 grant!


Polish Up on Your Cooking Skills

The chances are that you’re getting tired of takeaway meals. They’re also expensive. That makes cooking at home an ideal way to save some money on delivery fees. Add a bottle of wine, and you can have a proper dinner without the high cost by the glass. Do yourself a favor. Make an extra portion to put in the freezer for a quick lunch some other time.

Sell Your Old Smart Gadgets

One of the hardest-hit industries during the pandemic is smartphones with sales plummeting 38 percent. That means it’s an excellent time to trade your old gadgets to some cash and upgrade to a new one. You’ll probably find lots of deals from which to choose. The time to buy probably won’t get any better than it is now.

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Start a Garden

Starting a garden makes good sense, especially during this pandemic. Not only will you save money on produce, but it can reduce the times you have to visit the shops to help you stay safe. You don’t need a lot of space. You can get a lot of tomatoes from a single container plant. Herbs are another excellent choice for saving money on the fresh stuff.

Get Published

If you find you have a lot of free time on your hands, try writing and put your knowledge to work. Sites like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing will walk you through the formatting process. The best thing about this option is that you’ll make passive income. Once you’ve published it, all you need to do is market it and wait for the royalties.

Save Your Pocket Change

If you’re still paying with cash, keep that spare change. Set aside a jar or other suitable container. Make it a point to check your wallet or pockets for extra coins. You’ll be surprised how much you can save. Also, check with your bank to see if they have a program to round up your change into a savings account. It’s an excellent way to start an emergency fund or money for something special.

Automate Your Savings

The easiest way to save money is when you don’t have to think about it. It just happens. Set up an automated savings deposit with your bank to take care of the task for you. Even $5 a week will add up over time. The most important thing is to start. Then, make it more difficult to withdraw the cash so that you’re not tempted to use it. For example, don’t link it to your bank card.

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

Sleep on It

Before you purchase something online, wait a day before you hit that “Buy Now” button. Then, see if you still think it’s necessary to get. You may find that many items weren’t such a great deal, after all. Many e-commerce sites will save the products you’ve added so that you can buy them later if you still want them.

Final Thoughts

The pandemic has hit all of us hard and in many unexpected ways. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t make the best out of the situation and save some money. You may find that you’re better off without some of the things you used to do before. Set the cash aside for a treat for yourself in the future. Instead of getting down about the pandemic, see it as an opportunity for a financially secure tomorrow.

Feel free to contact me through means at your disposal on this internet page. I will closely consider every request and decide on possible funding.


As 2020 came knocking on our door, I was prepared and had already created my monthly lists and goals that I want to achieve in the next year, but also in the new decade ahead. One of the goals is to donate about $10 Million over the next 5 years again - both in cash and in-kind, and provide you with services that can reduce your debt, but also open up new opportunities towards achieving your financial and business-related independence. Read my full pledge here!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

MM Team Vacancy: Sales Representative - Work From Home

Warm, out-going, authentic, passionate and inspiring? Raise your hand if that's you! MM Team is hiring on the individual contractor basis multiple work from home Sales Representatives around the globe. Come and join us!

Millionaire Money vacancy

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Get free money online in 2020

Free money online in 2020 is possible? As long as you have an internet connection, you can legitimately figure out how to make money online from anywhere in the world. Instead of scanning through Facebook, stalking your ex on Instagram, or determining which Hogwarts House you belong to via a BuzzFeed quiz, let’s get you doing something much more productive with your time. Maybe you wonder where to find free money online? Here is the answer!

free money online 2020
Free Money Online 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

Get Money for Free

Have you ever wondered how to get money for free? Obviously, you did. At least you've considered this tempting concept, right? It is a general belief that oxygen, water, and food are the three basic things humans need to survive. But in this era, a human does not live in caves and does not depend solely on what he can grow; money is essential to living.

How to get money for free
How to get money for free? (Answered)

Currently, there are about US$36.8 trillion in circulation around the world. The money can never be in equal distribution; some people have more than they need, and some people do not have enough. It is even interesting that out of 7 billion population, less than 1000 people own fifty percent of the money that is in circulation.

If the money were to be distributed evenly, everyone would be a multi-billionaire. But then everyone will be boss; no one would love to work since we all have the money.


Before We start   

Firstly, there are some ways to capitalize on a free money giveaway, no strings attached, that you may want to try to get in on.   All over the world, millionaires and billionaires giving money away, are handing out cash to those that are in need. I do the same thing! So, just proceed and make your request HERE!  If you are in need of some assistance, perhaps this is a good option for you.   Once you find a list of millionaires that give cash to help out others, you can write to them.   If you are saying, I need cash now, let's explore how you should construct a letter to try to get in on a free money giveaway, no strings attached.

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

I will fund your business idea with $10.000 grant!

The best way towards riches is your own unique idea. You always have to consider to make money yourself and continue earning it more and more easily. As you know already, the internet is one of the markets that is expanding extremely fast. Maybe you have a good idea for an online home business that could bring quite a buck? Then you should definitely go for it! I will fund your business idea with a free $10.000 grant!

How To Get Money For Free: Asking Millionaires/Billionaires for Money 2020

So let's be as direct as possible and answer the previously raized question: "How to get money for free"? Earning your money is great; it will make you feel good while spending it. But there are times you have no other option than to seek financial assistance, and the best set of people to seek help from are the billionaires. In contrary to what a lot of people think, you can get financial assistance from billionaires, but there is a technique to it.

Meeting up with a billionaire is almost impossible unless you are a billionaire too, or you are a family, or you are a close staff. Billionaires do not ignore emails or have someone taken care of the emails, so the best way to reach them and seek help is via email. Before you get on your keyboard and compose that email, there are some things you should consider:

Do you need the money from millionaires?

There is a distinction between ‘need’ and ‘want’; a need is something that is required for your survival, while a want is something you desire. So the real question now is, do you need the money? Or do you want it? If you have a stable source of income and decided to seek financial assistance from billionaires, you may be charged to court for extortion if you get caught. Billionaires only help those that are in genuine need of money. So it is better not to embarrass yourself. Instead, you can ask billionaires for advice or a job that will pay better than what you currently earn.

How To Get Money For Free: Who will get help with money from billionaires?

If billionaires should start helping everyone that seeks help from them, they won’t have any money left. Though we are not very sure, here is the list of people that may likely get financial assistance from billionaires.

* People that have a critical health condition and can’t get help from anywhere else.

* People that live on the street and would love to live a better life if money is available.

* People who are physically challenged/disabled.

* People who have great business ideas but don’t have the money to execute the ideas.

* People who have genuine prospects but don’t have money further their education.

There are other sets of people too. And if you are lucky enough, you might get help without being among the stated categories of people.

How To Get Money For Free: Which billionaire to contact for financial assistance?

There are lots of millionaires/billionaires out there, and you should contact as much as you can, the bigger your billionaire mailing list, the bigger your chance of getting the help you seek. All the billionaires listed here have changed a lot of people’s lives by helping them with money - like Opera Winfrey, the host of for talk show. George Soros, investment manager. and a host of others. The list goes on, including the billionaires in your vicinity.

Now you must have been wondering how to obtain an email from these people. Some of these billionaires have personal emails that you can use for direct contact. But often, these emails are not made public, so the best way to reach them is via emails for their charity organization. You will find the majority of their charity organization on search engines like Google. You can also get the official mailing list of famous billionaires on this website, but it is not free.


The ADE Option - Debt management!

The debt management sector has exploded in recent years with many businesses and organizations joining the fold.

Consumers who are stressed out by their financial problems may find it even more stressful to navigate their options to find the most suitable solutions.

American Debt Enders has provided a viable solution by acting as a hub for these services and providing live customer support so that clients can get the help they need.

American debt enders best review

How To Get Money For Free: The right way to ask rich people for money

So after knowing who should you reach out to, you need to understand the basics of how to get money for free from the rich individual that you've selected to write to. We have discussed earlier that the best way to reach rich people for financial assistance is through email. However, there are ways to present yourself in the email that will guarantee to get the help you seek. Here are a few guidelines to follow while composing your emails;

Have good intentions

The fact that these millionaires have a lot of money does not make them stupid, they work hard to earn their money, and they wouldn’t be giving it out to just anybody that asked. Nevertheless, they are humans too, and they would help people who are really in need of money. So you have to let them know you have good intentions for the money they are about to help you with. For example, stating that you need help for academic sponsorship is better than saying that you need help buying a Ferrari.

Don’t overdo it

Do not think because you see billionaires are helping people, you can seek one out and ask for financial assistance up to millions of dollars, you won’t get it. We can’t specifically say the maximum amount of money you can seek, but you should know when you are asking too much.

Be honest

If a billionaire should help you out and he/she later discovered that you lied, either of these two things may happen;

* You may face jail time at the court of law for fraudulent activities/extortion.

* Or because of you the billionaire may develop trust issue and wouldn’t want to help anyone coming for help after you. And that is on you; you do not deserve to live among humans.

In some cases, both can happen. So please, be honest in all your dealings, there is a reward for it.

Write to a Millionaire there is nothing to lose
Write to a Millionaire - there is nothing to lose!

Be polite

You being polite is very important. It is their money; they are not obliged to giving it out. You shouldn’t send them email demanding they should help you with money; they will not even reply to your email. Your politeness will move them to help you, and you should make sure to thank them in advance also if you are not sure they will help you. One other thing; if your intention has some tremendous benefit to other people, let it be known in the email.

Write efficiently

The first thing you have to know is that this type of email should be formal, don’t write like you are writing to your family or friend. The content should be concise and direct to the point. Another point to consider while writing is to use proper English; avoid grammatical errors as much as possible, and do not use slang or other unofficial languages.

It is advisable to write the email in the English language, the billionaire you are directing the email to will determine which types of English to use. g.g., British or American.

Use the responsible email address

You can’t expect to use the email address that sounds rascal to ask for financial assistance and hope to be helped. Imagine someone using ‘baddestbitch101@livemail.com’ to seek financial assistance from someone and expect even to be considered. The email receiver would have assessed you and decide you don’t worth it. Know that there are lots of people seeking help from the same person, so do not disqualify yourself from the start.

Write from a first-person perspective

Don’t make the reader believe that other people influence you in seeking help. For example, you should altogether avoid sentences like “William said you have been helping people with money,” or “a friend of mine got help from you, so I think…..” Furthermore, be decisive. For example, avoid sentences like “I think my business will grow if I can get the help of $2,000”, be more like “my business has the potential to grow; I only need $2,000 to implement the growth.”

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

Use appropriate email subject

You should be reminded again that there are thousands of people sending this kind of email to a billionaire on a daily bases. So if you want your email to receive attention quickly, make sure to use an appropriate email subject. Appropriate in the sense that the subject must be simple, yet self-explanatory.

Reread the message

As said earlier, you don’t want to send an email with grammatical errors or any other type of error. It is ideal to reread the entire content.

Send in daylight time

Lastly, make sure to forward your email in daylight time, preferably in the morning. The reason for this is that if you send the email later in the day or midnight, the reader might have done checking his/her email for the day.

What to include in the email content

We discussed politeness earlier in the article, yes you should be polite, but politeness is not the same thing as begging. Never in any way use begging terms. Furthermore, do not appear too desperate. An example of desperation is including your account number in the email. What you can include in the email is your hotline, so that the billionaire can easily reach you if he/she later decides to help you. And in the case of seeking monetary assistance for health issues, you can include authentic medical records to prove that you need the help. Same things applied to education or business, but let the attachments be concise too.

How To Get Money For Free: Structure of the email

· Salutation comes first.

· In the first paragraph, the letter should start with a light appreciation for opening your email in the first place. This should take a maximum of three sentences.

· Then you should introduce yourself and the reason for sending the email.

· The second paragraph should explain your intention for the money in full detail. If the paragraph is getting too big, you can break it into two paragraphs.

· If available, put the positive outcome of using the money for the intended usage.

· Once again, appreciation for helping you in advance. And hope that you will get a response soon

millionaires free money

A sample email to Jeff Bezos for Money in 2020

Dear Mr. Bezos,

I appreciate the time you take to read the content of this email. My name is John Doe; a student at Stanford University, California. My father passed away when I was three, and a single mother raised me. Ever since I was young, I wanted to become a doctor to save lives. And my mother has been doing a lot to see my dream come true, but unfortunately, she lost her job three months ago.

I am seeking a fully-funded scholarship from you to complete my academic programs here at Stanford University; I’m in level 4 and have 3 more levels to go. I have tried my very best to raise some amount, and it is not enough, I have three weeks left to complete my sessional registration and failure to do this will result in me dropping out of school. You can review my academic report for last semester, which is attached to this email.

Conclusion on How to Get Money for Free

Help can come from anywhere, including the rich that regards you as a stranger. All you need is the right way to ask, and that is what this article has taught you. So, as you finally know how to get money for free, the only thing left is for me to wish you good luck!

Feel free to contact me through means at your disposal on this internet page. I will closely consider every request and decide on possible funding.


As 2020 came knocking on our door, I was prepared and had already created my monthly lists and goals that I want to achieve in the next year, but also in the new decade ahead. One of the goals is to donate about $10 Million over the next 5 years again - both in cash and in-kind, and provide you with services that can reduce your debt, but also open up new opportunities towards achieving your financial and business-related independence. Read my full pledge here!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Millionaires give away money you ask?

Do millionaires give away money you ask? Well, let me answer that question... Many millionaires do, whether for tax benefits, because of personal tragedy, or just from having a heart of gold. Some have given away nearly everything they own, while others manage to give while still maintaining their personal wealth. Either way, it's fascinating when millionaires give away their money, and the rest of us imagine what we would do if we were in the same position.
Do Millionaires Give Away Money?
Do Millionaires Give Away Money?

Before We start   

Firstly, there are some ways to capitalize on a free money giveaway, no strings attached, that you may want to try to get in on.   All over the world, millionaires and billionaires giving money away, are handing out cash to those that are in need. I do the same thing! So, just proceed and make your request HERE!  If you are in need of some assistance, perhaps this is a good option for you.   Once you find a list of millionaires that give cash to help out others, you can write to them.   If you are saying, I need cash now, let's explore how you should construct a letter to try to get in on a free money giveaway, no strings attached.

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

I will fund your business idea with $10.000 grant!

The best way towards riches is your own unique idea. You always have to consider to make money yourself and continue earning it more and more easily. As you know already, the internet is one of the markets that is expanding extremely fast. Maybe you have a good idea for an online home business that could bring quite a buck? Then you should definitely go for it! I will fund your business idea with a free $10.000 grant!

Do Millionaires Give Away Money: Significance!

Millionaires who give away money have the power to change hundreds of lives or make a significant impact in a community. While small donations certainly add up and also make an important difference, when a millionaire gives away money, there is usually an immediate result. The donated money can have long-term effects, such as sending students to college, providing homes and food for the less fortunate, or giving someone in unfortunate circumstances a "leg up." In many cases, those who have benefited from the money go on to become successful and in turn donate their time or money, continuing the work set in motion by the millionaire.

Do Millionaires Give Away Money: Types

Millionaires who give away money do it for a variety of reasons or a combination of reasons. These donations may be made for tax relief purposes. In this way, wealthy individuals can have a more direct say in how their money is used, and it also benefits a nonprofit organization. Some millionaires give money away because they have been affected in a personal way by disease or situation. For example, a millionaire with a family member diagnosed with breast cancer is likely to give away money to help with cancer research or that helps breast cancer victims afford treatment. Some millionaires give money to those in less fortunate circumstances because they believe it is the right thing to do. They recognize that they have been fortunate and have the ability to help others.

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

Effects of Money Giveaways

When a millionaire gives, the donation tends to snowball. Not only are others encouraged to give more, the purchasing power of the organization or recipient increases, which makes all of the donated dollars go further. In addition, retailers and suppliers like to get in on the act when a well-known millionaire donates, and stores or manufacturers will often donate products and services to go along with a millionaire's donation. A wealthy donor may also provide the seed money for a fund-raising event, paying for advertising, space rental, and other costs associated with a fundraiser, making every dollar stretch even more.

Things you have to Consider

Before a millionaire gives away money, he will often investigate the organization he intends to donate to and carefully consider how the money will be used. Like everyone else, he wants to be sure that the money will be used for its intended purpose and that it will be spent carefully.

The amount of tax saved through donation is also a popular consideration, as is who will actually benefit from the money.

Do Millionaires Give Away Money: Misconceptions

While the rare few millionaires who give away nearly everything they have should be recognized for their generous nature, there is a common misconception that those who maintain their wealth don't give as much. By maintaining their wealth, millionaires who give only a portion of their income are able to continue to give year after year and often in greater and greater amounts.

Over a lifetime, a millionaire who holds on to his wealth is likely to give far more than a millionaire who gave everything she had.


The ADE Option - Debt management!

The debt management sector has exploded in recent years with many businesses and organizations joining the fold.

Consumers who are stressed out by their financial problems may find it even more stressful to navigate their options to find the most suitable solutions.

American Debt Enders has provided a viable solution by acting as a hub for these services and providing live customer support so that clients can get the help they need.

American debt enders best review

Added know-how: Why do Millionaires stay wealthy?

Once a person has become a millionaire, it can take some work to stay wealthy. The first step is to manage the money carefully. Rather than giving in to the temptation to run out and buy expensive cars and a mansion-sized house, the wisest move is to avoid adopting an extravagant lifestyle. Smart millionaires choose their splurges carefully and limit the number of large purchases they make. Spending without restraint is the easiest way to cause one's assets to vanish rapidly.

Investments or Continued Income

Simply having a million dollars in the bank isn't exactly enough to sustain you forever. Some millionaires continue to build their wealth by working in a lucrative career, such as being a corporate CEO or a cardiac surgeon. Others who prefer not to work after making their millions might use their money to make investments, which can create profits with very little work. Some millionaires choose to invest their money in the stock market, whereas others buy real estate or other assets that they expect to appreciate. Smart investments can result in millionaires' wealth growing rapidly enough that the millionaire can choose to live a more luxurious lifestyle without the risk that the money will run out.

Financial Advisors

Millionaires who did not originally make their money by investments, or who lack strong financial know-how, usually stay wealthy by having a trusted financial advisor who is able to manage the investments in order to grow the money at a rapid enough pace to maintain the millionaire's desired lifestyle. Millionaires who use financial advisors (or money managers) must be very careful who they choose for the role, given that incorrect decisions by a financial advisor can lead to the wealth disappearing.

Feel free to contact me through means at your disposal on this internet page. I will closely consider every request and decide on possible funding.


As 2020 came knocking on our door, I was prepared and had already created my monthly lists and goals that I want to achieve in the next year, but also in the new decade ahead. One of the goals is to donate about $10 Million over the next 5 years again - both in cash and in-kind, and provide you with services that can reduce your debt, but also open up new opportunities towards achieving your financial and business-related independence. Read my full pledge here!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Giving Away Money 2020

If you think millionaires giving away money sounds like a fairytale, you’re in for a surprise. The reasons they do so are many, but the move isn’t exactly shrouded in mystery. In fact, there are actually some sensible reasons for giving away money.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Need Money Now?

If you follow The Millionaire Gives Money Away Blog then you'll know that these posts are a series of guides giving financially destitute people ideas of making money really fast and more importantly legally. If you need $2000 dollars really fast and your willing to do anything then there are ways you can achieve this. Be sure to check out how you can make $10,000, $5000, and $1000 really fast which are listed below. 

I Need $2000 Dollars Right Now
I Need $2000 Dollars Right Now

SO, have you totaled your car? Had a medical emergency? Unexpected job loss? When you are strapped for cash, it may seem like there is nowhere to turn.

In fact, there are a multitude of options when you need the money and have used up (or never had) an emergency fund. Of course, the best option is to save up the money yourself and avoid going into debt. But if that's not possible, check out some of the available methods to help you when you're in a pinch. You can ask me as well

Before We start   

Firstly, there are some ways to capitalize on a free money giveaway, no strings attached, that you may want to try to get in on.   All over the world, millionaires and billionaires giving money away, are handing out cash to those that are in need. I do the same thing! So, just proceed and make your request HERE!  If you are in need of some assistance, perhaps this is a good option for you.   Once you find a list of millionaires that give cash to help out others, you can write to them.   If you are saying, I need cash now, let's explore how you should construct a letter to try to get in on a free money giveaway, no strings attached.

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

I will fund your business idea with $10.000 grant!

The best way towards riches is your own unique idea. You always have to consider to make money yourself and continue earning it more and more easily. As you know already, the internet is one of the markets that is expanding extremely fast. Maybe you have a good idea for an online home business that could bring quite a buck? Then you should definitely go for it! I will fund your business idea with a free $10.000 grant!

I Need 2,000 Dollars Right NOW - Intro

Now that you want to learn how to make $2000 quickly because you're desperate you need to know that there is an element of risk involved. You'll be thrown out of your comfort zone and you'll really have to test yourself mentally and physically. If you do pull through then this will be a great personal victory and it will teach you to dig really deep and make things happen so you can rise out of poverty.
I Need 2000 Dollars Right NOW List

1. Rent Your Home for $2000

This is something I tried and it worked, I rented my home out for a year for $2000 provided I was still allowed to live there. There were some rules like being paid upfront. Lots of people will be interested because they will save money if they pay in advance. To make everything above board you could draft contracts where you agree to rent your house for a year for 2000 dollars. 

Another way I made $2000 dollars per month was by living in a caravan I bought on eBay and then subletting my home out to tenants after rigorous vetting, Living in a caravan is extremely difficult however I was determined to do it to pay off my debt and it worked. After a year I was debt-free and able to move back into my property if I choose to.

2. Sell Shares in Assets You Have

If you've got any assets that are of value or are generating income you could sell shares in this asset. If you've got property rented out or have an online business then quickly work out how much money it's generating in a month and then put a value on it, you could then sell some shares in the asset and generate income for the buyer. If you've got an online business or property that is generating $1000 per month, you could sell 20% of this for $2000, the investor would recoup the money in 10 months and enjoy payments for the rest of their lives as long as the income keeps coming in. 

You could have a clause to repurchase the shares in your asset once you've used the money to do whatever you need to. I sold shares to my family members in my property I rented out. They enjoyed 20% of the payments for $20,000 upfront and after a few years, I was able to repurchase the shares back from them. It's important that you understand and forecast your cash flow properly otherwise there is a possibility you might miss payments. Have contingency plans in place.

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

3. Learn How to Do High Paying Jobs 

Quickly learning high paying trades and then doing jobs at knock down prices is a great way to earn fast money. If you need $2000 very quickly you could learn how to install a boiler, how to laminate floors, how to decorate houses. What you are looking for is a job that pays you a lot of money very quickly. Decorators can decorate a house within a week and get paid a lot of money, plumbers usually charge $2000 to install a system which takes about a week. If you can align yourself with an expert and offer your help you could make a lot of money. 

I learned how to replace boiler systems from a qualified plumber. I charged $500 dollars to replace these systems and the work took me 4 hours. I was able to replace two systems per day and I was able to make $800 per day just by keeping busy. Create an effective marketing system and offer the service at a knockdown price and you will make money I kid you not!


The ADE Option - Debt management!

The debt management sector has exploded in recent years with many businesses and organizations joining the fold.

Consumers who are stressed out by their financial problems may find it even more stressful to navigate their options to find the most suitable solutions.

American Debt Enders has provided a viable solution by acting as a hub for these services and providing live customer support so that clients can get the help they need.

American debt enders best review

4. Penny Shares and Option Trading 

Penny shares can offer explosive growth, sometimes that can double or quadruple in value if you can leverage the money and use strict stop losses you could make a lot of money if you choose the right stock. You could also buy cheap company options just before they report. A lot of investors make money by investing in cheap items like penny stocks and options and then control their risk and let the upside run-up.

Learn how to analyze stocks fundamentally and technically and learn money management strategies so if you make a wrong decision you won't be wiped out completely. It's recommended that you paper trade at first to get invaluable practice just until you get the hang of trading penny stocks. Avoid all tips and rumors because you will eventually lose money if base your decision on these things.

5. Deep Cleaning Homes 

My friend tried this and it worked. If you live in an area where rental turnaround is high you could visit all the estate agents in your area and offer a deep cleaning service. Normally agents pay anything between $500 to $1000 for a deep clean which you can do in a couple of days. If you can secure a few contracts like these then you'll be well on your way to making $2000. 

6. Recycling Other People's Cell Phones

Recycling cell phones is a big business. You won’t make a fortune recycling your own phone but just imagine how much money you could make recycling other people's phones. To get started create a marketing campaign asking for old phones. To get people to give their own phone you could give a proportion of the profits to charity. Most people just throw away their own phones however if they think they can help someone then it's more than likely they'll give it away for recycling. 

If you can go door to door for old phones you will be able to generate 2000 dollars very quickly. I know someone who used this strategy and now he has his own mobile phone recycling business! It works…

Millionaire Gives Away Money Right Now
Millionaire Gives Away Money Right Now

7. Take Part in Clinical Trials for more than 2000 Dollars  

I love clinical trials because you're compensated for your time and you get an overwhelming feeling of goodness because you're helping humanity by helping to create new medicines. You can make anything between 2000 and 5000 dollars when you take part in clinical trials depending on your level of health. 

Healthy people, as well as ill people, can take part. You can find a whole list of clinical trials by going to the official government site. If you can take part in 4 clinical trials a year you could make up to 20,000 dollars. 

8. Sell Items from Alibaba  

China is the economic powerhouse of the world and you can get extremely cheap goods from wholesale sites such as Alibaba. To make 2000 dollars quickly do some research to find items on eBay which have excess demand. You then need to find a supplier in China who can sell you these items. 

You can then list the items on eBay and watch the revenue come in. The key to success here giving a great service, maintaining a good relationship with suppliers as well as researching thoroughly on items that are likely to sell well. 

9. Create a YouTube Channel to Earn 2000 Dollars 

This idea is for incredibly creative people who love to present themselves. To get started now think of a subject you want to talk about. You can also pick a product or service area that you want to review. Make sure there is commercial value in these niches so you can be sure to make a profit. Create high-quality HD videos and promote these videos using social media and monetize using an advertising agency. 

If your video goes viral you could potentially make 2000 dollars with just one well placed highly creative video. There are YouTube channels that make over 100,000 dollars per month, so it is possible to make 2000 dollars quickly.  

Help I Need Money Now

10. Become a Designer to Generate 2000 Dollars Quickly 

Designing is a big business as more and more people get creative in the world. If you're creative then learn a popular software design platform and offer services on Fiverr, oDesk, and eLance. You can charge anything between 50 and 500 dollars for a design. If you can do a few of these designs per week you can easily generate 2000 dollars quickly. It really is possible. 

I Need 2000 Dollars Right Now - Conclusion

Making $2000 dollars fast can be done, let me say it again it can be done. If you're willing to work hard, use your brains, and be prepared to leave your comfort zone you could reach your target. If you're really determined you will reach your goal and when you do you will feel liberated because you know you've dug deep to do what you set out to do. Here are the suggestions again. 

1. Rent Your Home for $2000 
2. Sell Shares in Assets You Have 
3. Learn how to do high paying jobs 
4. Penny Shares and Options Trading 
5. Deep Cleaning Houses

If you need urgent financial assistance then you could try getting financial help from the Government through the USA.Gov website. The Government has mortgage assistance programs, debt management & debt consolidation programs, financial help for self-employed and financial help for pensioners.

Feel free to contact me through means at your disposal on this internet page. I will closely consider every request and decide on possible funding.


As 2020 came knocking on our door, I was prepared and had already created my monthly lists and goals that I want to achieve in the next year, but also in the new decade ahead. One of the goals is to donate about $10 Million over the next 5 years again - both in cash and in-kind, and provide you with services that can reduce your debt, but also open up new opportunities towards achieving your financial and business-related independence. Read my full pledge here!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Get Money Now 2020!

Give me money?! Right? Well, asking for money from virtual strangers isn’t anything new these days.

In order to meet the demand and connect those who need money now with those who want to donate, lots of new websites have sprouted up. Others have thrived and solidified a name for themselves as the go-to resource for getting funded.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Ask for FREE MONEY Now!!

Need money? Get money now with fast cash turnaround in an emergency, even if you’re lazy. All suggestions on this list are relatively easy and require little effort.

I Need Money Now for Free and Fast
I Need Money Now for Free and Fast

Do You Urgently Need Money?

Sometimes you need extra money and you need it fast. A surprise expense or financial emergency can catch anyone off guard if they are not prepared. Having an emergency fund is one of the best ways to deal with these types of situations. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to save up for an emergency fund.

According to the Federal Reserve, only 61% of Americans would be able to pay an emergency expense of $400 with cash or cash equivalents. However, even if you do not have spare cash saved away to handle an emergency or unexpected expense, you are not necessarily out of luck.

Here are ways to get money fast when you need it the most.


As 2020 came knocking on our door, I was prepared and had already created my monthly lists and goals that I want to achieve in the next year, but also in the new decade ahead. One of the goals is to donate about $10 Million over the next 5 years again - both in cash and in-kind, and provide you with services that can reduce your debt, but also open up new opportunities towards achieving your financial and business-related independence. Read my full pledge here!


Before We Proceed   

Firstly, there are some ways to capitalize on a free money giveaway, no strings attached, that you may want to try to get in on.   All over the world, millionaires and billionaires giving money away, are handing out cash to those that are in need. I do the same thing! So, just proceed and make your request HERE!  If you are in need of some assistance, perhaps this is a good option for you.   Once you find a list of millionaires that give cash to help out others, you can write to them.   If you are saying, I need cash now, let's explore how you should construct a letter to try to get in on a free money giveaway, no strings attached. Money can be received via PayPal for free

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

I will fund your business idea with $10.000 grant!

The best way towards riches is your own unique idea. You always have to consider to make money yourself and continue earning it more and more easily. As you know already, the internet is one of the markets that is expanding extremely fast. Maybe you have a good idea for an online home business that could bring quite a buck? Then you should definitely go for it! I will fund your business idea with a free $10.000 grant!

free money giveaway
Free money giveaway

Ways to Earn Extra Money When You Desperately Need it

A common and fast way to earn extra income is to sell things on a marketplace like Craigslist or Facebook. Think about your possessions - is there anything that you don’t need anymore and could sell to make some additional money? Things like old clothes, furniture, or toys that take up valuable space in your home are good items to consider selling.

In addition to selling personal possessions, many people consider trying to earn extra income on the side. Earning extra income through a side job or second job may not produce money as fast as selling your things, but it can be more stable and predictable.

Both stability and predictability of extra income are important factors to consider if you often find yourself running short on cash.

Ideas to earn extra income on the side include:

  • Dog walking
  • Pet sitting
  • Housekeeping
  • Yard/lawn care for neighbors
  • Online tutoring

Each of these suggestions can be done in your spare time, making them good choices if you’re looking at earning extra money.

Ways to Borrow Money When You Need It ASAP

Borrow from Family or Friends

Asking for financial help from anyone can be hard. It can be especially hard asking your family or friends for financial support. But sometimes despite the negative emotions of asking for help, it can be necessary to handle a financial emergency or unexpected expense.

Borrowing from your family or close friends may be the best way to borrow if you have to find extra money in a short amount of time. For starters, it may likely be the cheapest way to borrow money. It may also be the easiest since there is no need for an application or credit check.

If you approach your family or friends for financial support, be prepared to explain to them the situation and how you plan to use their support. Also, try to commit to a repayment plan that you can both agree on.

By being prepared to ask for a loan from family or friends, explaining the situation, and committing to a repayment plan, your family or friends will be more comfortable with lending their support.

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

Borrow from a Financial Institution

If selling some of your extra possessions, getting an extra job, or asking family or friends for money do not work for your situation, you may want to consider borrowing from a financial institution.

This can be done, among other ways, through a personal loan from a bank or credit union, through peer-to-peer lending platforms, or, for those with bad credit, through a payday loan.

Payday loans should be considered with caution and as a last resort. They are often designed to serve individuals with low credit scores and carry an average interest rate of 400%. This type of loan may wind up doing more harm than good.

Another alternative relatively low-cost option to consider is a paycheck advance from your employer.

Get Money Now

We’ve all been there. Whether it’s saving money for a trip, paying off a past-due student loan, renovating your home, footing the bill for car repairs – or under some form of lockdown from a massive global pandemic.

At one time or another, we all hit a wall. And there are a million lists out there which offer suggestions for how to get money now – but a majority of them aren’t fast enough. “I need money” means I need it fast.

There will be limitations, like how quickly payments are made or how much effort is required. If you’re looking for relatively easy ways to make money quickly, this list includes solutions that will help you out when you need cash now – as in, within 24 – 48 hours and others which may take 1-2 weeks to get paid.

All of these quick cash strategies will provide a realistic, doable working solution for people who need cash fast.

You never know when sh*t might hit the fan, so add this article to Pocket and save it for later! I’ll update it when I find new and easy ways to make fast cash now.


The ADE Option - Debt management!

The debt management sector has exploded in recent years with many businesses and organizations joining the fold.

Consumers who are stressed out by their financial problems may find it even more stressful to navigate their options to find the most suitable solutions.

American Debt Enders has provided a viable solution by acting as a hub for these services and providing live customer support so that clients can get the help they need.



I Need Money:
16 Easy Ways to Make Quick Cash

Many of these suggestions are useful beyond those I need money right now situations, and could potentially become a reliable side hustle or a full-time job.

Keep an open mind and think beyond emergencies. Some of these suggestions are so easy you could make money during a dead time like riding the bus, eating lunch, or in between rounds of Fortnite.

How to Get Money from Businesses in Other Countries

Worth note; if you are going to be making money online, you may need a bank account in another country to accept payments.

You should use Payoneer for this; For instance, Amazon pays via a Payoneer US bank account All accounts are linked to one card and my home bank in Canada, and currency conversion rates are very competitive.

1. Fast Loans

A personal loan is the fastest way to get money now, and ZippyLoan can get you all paid out within one business day in many cases –even with a lower credit rating.

Borrow between $100 and $15,000 as soon as tomorrow.

If you think your credit isn’t good enough, applying is the only way to find out for sure. This offer is only available to US citizens.

This is the nuclear option for extreme situations when you really need cash now.

What are the consequences if you don’t try?

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

2. Online Surveys+

Yeah, online surveys. Everybody suggests a bunch of them in these kind of posts, and most online survey sites are worthless in my opinion.

Except for Swagbucks. They aren’t just surveys, you can also get paid for browsing the web on your laptop or phone, too.

Some activities that Swagbucks will pay you for;

  • Playing games
  • Watching videos
  • Shopping
  • Online Search
  • Taking surveys

Swagbucks is a rewards program that gives you free gift cards that don’t suck, or they give you cash.

They’ve got an 8.3/10 rating on TrustPilot, they give out over 7,000 free gift cards daily, and they’re great if you’ve got some nervous time to burn.

This offer is for those “I need money now for free and fast” situations, and only available for US and Canadian citizens.

3. Unused Internet (+$5 free)

If you’re not interested in online surveys and want to make free money with no effort –totally passively– then you can sell unused internet bandwidth to data scientists at major corporations and get paid about $50 USD for free, every month, from Honeygain.

Payment depends on how often you leave the app running, how many devices you’ve connected to the internet, and/or how many accounts you create. It works out to about a buck for every 10GB transferred through the app (or more if it’s for a content delivery network).

It ain’t much, but it’s free money, and you can earn it using any data connection. Know your neighbor’s WiFi password? Kidding.

Your data is used to power the backend for companies who purchase bandwidth for quantum computing –SEO companies with heavy keyword research software similar to MOZ, or a content delivery network (CDN). It’s not one of those malicious spyware apps, and there’s nothing shady in their TOS. It’s straight-up bandwidth sharing, they don’t log you –you are not the product.

Put your computer to work if you don’t want to. If you use our signup link, Honeygain will start you off with $5 USD for free. The minimum cash out is $20 USD.

I Need Money Now
I Need Money Now

4. Small, Repetitive Tasks

Doing small repetitive tasks for other people is a great way to get money now.

You could try making pins for businesses that use Pinterest in your spare time and make a few thousand bucks per month. You can get a free Canva account to make them and charge $4+ for each design. You can even use the free Adobe Spark app on your phone to design images, so no laptop required.

What can you do quickly and effortlessly when you need cash now? Check out Fiverr to get an idea of all the little tasks people are charging for.

This offer is open to anyone, all around the world. Payouts take 2 weeks before they can be withdrawn.

5. Rent Out Your Apartment for Short Stays

Airbnb hosts make quite a bit of money quickly.

What’s even better is that Airbnb also provides hosts with up to $1M in property protection against damages, as well as $1m in liability insurance.

To get out of a jam or pay down your mortgage faster, you could rent out one bedroom (shared living on Airbnb is very popular, common, and normalized) or hell, crash at a friend’s place, and rent out your apartment on weekends. A lot of Airbnb hosts just rent out a room and cohabitate with Airbnb users when they stay there.

To turn it into a side hustle, you could start renting cheap apartments in convenient locations and renting them out on a larger scale. I’ve done the latter, as we tend to rent apartments in every location we visit often. It’s decent money and a great way to pay for travel.

This offer is available to anyone where Airbnb operates, globally.

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Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

6. Teach English Online

Teaching English online, from home, is a great way to make money when you’re in I need money mode, and it can also make a great work-from-home career. All you need is a webcam and a decent internet connection.

VIPKid pays well, and it’s reliable. If you’ve ever taught English before, I suggest you give it a shot.

If you don’t meet the criteria for VIPKid, consider TakeLessons.com (less stringent) or explore Facebook groups and do a Google search for people overseas interested in having someone teach English via Skype.

This offer is open to most people who speak English as their first language.

7. Work From Home

Legitimate online jobs are quickly becoming commonplace, with reputable businesses like TTEC, Amazon, Hilton, Dell, Robert Half International, BroadPath Healthcare Solutions, GitHub, VIPKid, and Convergys all hiring location independent job positions on a regular basis, just to name a few.

Working online can sometimes come with risks if you don’t know your employer, or they weren’t vetted first. In my opinion, Upwork is full of deadbeat employers paying rock bottom dollar for your hard work and I recommend staying away from “gig economy” websites like that.

Instead, I trust Flexjobs‘ remote job site because they screen out shady employers, offer free coaching to help you get a job, and they’re generally all-around good people. You can get an account on Flexjobs for as little as $3.75 per month.

Check out a few of their job listings, they’re automatically updated and always current;

8. Flip Free Stuff From Craigslist for Money

Looking for free stuff on Craigslist.com is easy, and so is turning around and selling it for fast cash.

This one’s pretty self-explanatory and could easily generate a few hundred within a matter of days.

Better yet is that it’s not limited to Craigslist –there are websites similar to Craigslist all around the world, making this suggestion open to anyone, anywhere.

Additionally, double-check your own closet and see if there’s anything in there you no longer use and can part with. Then browse the closets and storage rooms of your friends and family members while you’re at it.

9. Monetize Your Social Media

If you’re already active on social media and have accrued a large number of followers, monetize them with SubscribeStar.

SubscribeStar is a platform for bloggers, social media influencers, or creators to monetize their blog or social media accounts by providing followers the ability to support them on a recurring basis.

You don’t need to have a website to use SubscribeStar.

All you have to do is sign up, set subscription pricing tiers, and put your SubscribeStar profile link on your social media profiles or blog. From there, your followers can choose to pay a small monthly fee to support you with quick cash that’s readily available.

To encourage donations when you need money desperately you could create exclusive subscriber-only content, ask sponsors to give you free stuff to give away, host Q and A live streams, or share video “postcards” that highlight what’s interesting about your day-to-day life.

I Need Money Now for Free and ASAP
I Need Money Now for Free and Fast

10. Affiliate Marketing

Most businesses will have an affiliate program that will allow you to make a commission when someone buys a product or service via a unique link they provide.

You can share affiliate links on social media, a blog, online forums, post comments, and with friends or family.

Amazon is probably the biggest affiliate program the world over, but there are millions of others. In fact, a majority of the suggestions on this page have affiliate links that give us a small kickback at no additional cost to our readers –pretty much any website you visit is going to be making affiliate commissions in this way.

Some of the affiliate programs that make us the most money now;

  • Amazon (electronics, fashion, travel gear)
  • TargetClick (CBD oils, health and beauty products)
  • Awin (online services, travel guides)
  • Shareasale (online courses, debt management, travel gear)
  • PureVPN (VPN service)

You can do affiliate marketing without a website, but I encourage you to build one.

If you’re a beginner, I recommend Wix website builder because it’s incredibly easy to use and they have great support –you can probably whip up a website with Wix in a single weekend.

Anyone anywhere can start affiliate marketing –although it isn’t a “get rich quick” money-making machine when you need money desperately at a moment's notice. It takes time to build up, but once it does, you’re all set.

11. Sell Photos

If you’ve got some really great photos on your phone or digital camera, sell them.

iStock is owned by GettyImages, one of the world’s biggest photo-sharing sites, and they’re always on the lookout for high quality, authentic-looking photos. GettyImages can sell your photos for you when you sign up as a contributor.

Selling your photos online is a great way to generate a passive income, although it may take a little while to ramp it up. This option is available to anyone, anywhere.

12. Sell T-Shirts Online (No Inventory)

Another great way to make money online is by selling t-shirts and other merch online, like stickers, wall prints, and so on –without inventory or having to ship anything, using sites like Teepublic or Printful.

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Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

13. Get Paid for Past Flight Delays & Cancellations

That’s right. If you’ve had a flight delayed, canceled, a missed connection, or you got the boot because of overbooking, EVEN bad weather –you name it; you could be eligible for compensation.

If you’re the kind of person who archives all their old flight confirmation emails instead of deleting them, you could go back up to six full years and still get up to €600.

Free money – for you and anyone you might know who’s experienced a flight delay or cancellation or any other of the million bogus reasons airlines may have given you in the last 6 years.

14. Drive or Lend Out Your Car

Uber, Lyft, and Grab are all at the top these make money fast posts, and for good reason. You can choose your own hours and get paid quickly to drive people around your city.

You can also drive kids around with Kango, deliver groceries with Instacart, or loan your vehicle to other people with Fluid Market or Get Around.

15. Walk

Walking can help you get money now –no car required.

You could walk into a blood donor clinic in the US and get paid for plasma.

You could walk other people’s dogs and get paid with the Rover app.

Or you could do any number of odd jobs with GigWalk. And that’s the one I’ll focus on for this final point on our list.

GigWalk is the “Uber of walking”, an app that dispatches small, simple tasks to users for quick money.

Examples include walking past a store window to check business hours, “mystery shop” to see if you’re greeted when you walk into a store, take a photo of a restaurant menu, or check the stock of a particular item at a local pharmacy.

This option is open to any area where Gigwalk is popular –if it isn’t yet, you could always promote it and reap the benefits. The average gig on Gigwalk pays between $3 and $50.

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16. “Jobs Near Me”

For some of you, we may have saved the very best for last.

The gig economy is full of different apps that offer jobs near me –but to apply for a single job often means downloading an app. There are so many apps to find jobs, it’s hard to keep up. Often, applying for multiple jobs means downloading multiple apps just to see what’s available.

AppJobs aggregates the best of the gig economy into one place and sorts them by location for job seekers who need to make money fast, without having to download all those apps.

AppJobs is the shortest answer to “jobs near me”.

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