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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Get free money online in 2020

Free money online in 2020 is possible? As long as you have an internet connection, you can legitimately figure out how to make money online from anywhere in the world. Instead of scanning through Facebook, stalking your ex on Instagram, or determining which Hogwarts House you belong to via a BuzzFeed quiz, let’s get you doing something much more productive with your time. Maybe you wonder where to find free money online? Here is the answer!

free money online 2020
Free Money Online 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

Get Money for Free

Have you ever wondered how to get money for free? Obviously, you did. At least you've considered this tempting concept, right? It is a general belief that oxygen, water, and food are the three basic things humans need to survive. But in this era, a human does not live in caves and does not depend solely on what he can grow; money is essential to living.

How to get money for free
How to get money for free? (Answered)

Currently, there are about US$36.8 trillion in circulation around the world. The money can never be in equal distribution; some people have more than they need, and some people do not have enough. It is even interesting that out of 7 billion population, less than 1000 people own fifty percent of the money that is in circulation.

If the money were to be distributed evenly, everyone would be a multi-billionaire. But then everyone will be boss; no one would love to work since we all have the money.


Before We start   

Firstly, there are some ways to capitalize on a free money giveaway, no strings attached, that you may want to try to get in on.   All over the world, millionaires and billionaires giving money away, are handing out cash to those that are in need. I do the same thing! So, just proceed and make your request HERE!  If you are in need of some assistance, perhaps this is a good option for you.   Once you find a list of millionaires that give cash to help out others, you can write to them.   If you are saying, I need cash now, let's explore how you should construct a letter to try to get in on a free money giveaway, no strings attached.

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

I will fund your business idea with $10.000 grant!

The best way towards riches is your own unique idea. You always have to consider to make money yourself and continue earning it more and more easily. As you know already, the internet is one of the markets that is expanding extremely fast. Maybe you have a good idea for an online home business that could bring quite a buck? Then you should definitely go for it! I will fund your business idea with a free $10.000 grant!

How To Get Money For Free: Asking Millionaires/Billionaires for Money 2020

So let's be as direct as possible and answer the previously raized question: "How to get money for free"? Earning your money is great; it will make you feel good while spending it. But there are times you have no other option than to seek financial assistance, and the best set of people to seek help from are the billionaires. In contrary to what a lot of people think, you can get financial assistance from billionaires, but there is a technique to it.

Meeting up with a billionaire is almost impossible unless you are a billionaire too, or you are a family, or you are a close staff. Billionaires do not ignore emails or have someone taken care of the emails, so the best way to reach them and seek help is via email. Before you get on your keyboard and compose that email, there are some things you should consider:

Do you need the money from millionaires?

There is a distinction between ‘need’ and ‘want’; a need is something that is required for your survival, while a want is something you desire. So the real question now is, do you need the money? Or do you want it? If you have a stable source of income and decided to seek financial assistance from billionaires, you may be charged to court for extortion if you get caught. Billionaires only help those that are in genuine need of money. So it is better not to embarrass yourself. Instead, you can ask billionaires for advice or a job that will pay better than what you currently earn.

How To Get Money For Free: Who will get help with money from billionaires?

If billionaires should start helping everyone that seeks help from them, they won’t have any money left. Though we are not very sure, here is the list of people that may likely get financial assistance from billionaires.

* People that have a critical health condition and can’t get help from anywhere else.

* People that live on the street and would love to live a better life if money is available.

* People who are physically challenged/disabled.

* People who have great business ideas but don’t have the money to execute the ideas.

* People who have genuine prospects but don’t have money further their education.

There are other sets of people too. And if you are lucky enough, you might get help without being among the stated categories of people.

How To Get Money For Free: Which billionaire to contact for financial assistance?

There are lots of millionaires/billionaires out there, and you should contact as much as you can, the bigger your billionaire mailing list, the bigger your chance of getting the help you seek. All the billionaires listed here have changed a lot of people’s lives by helping them with money - like Opera Winfrey, the host of for talk show. George Soros, investment manager. and a host of others. The list goes on, including the billionaires in your vicinity.

Now you must have been wondering how to obtain an email from these people. Some of these billionaires have personal emails that you can use for direct contact. But often, these emails are not made public, so the best way to reach them is via emails for their charity organization. You will find the majority of their charity organization on search engines like Google. You can also get the official mailing list of famous billionaires on this website, but it is not free.


The ADE Option - Debt management!

The debt management sector has exploded in recent years with many businesses and organizations joining the fold.

Consumers who are stressed out by their financial problems may find it even more stressful to navigate their options to find the most suitable solutions.

American Debt Enders has provided a viable solution by acting as a hub for these services and providing live customer support so that clients can get the help they need.

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How To Get Money For Free: The right way to ask rich people for money

So after knowing who should you reach out to, you need to understand the basics of how to get money for free from the rich individual that you've selected to write to. We have discussed earlier that the best way to reach rich people for financial assistance is through email. However, there are ways to present yourself in the email that will guarantee to get the help you seek. Here are a few guidelines to follow while composing your emails;

Have good intentions

The fact that these millionaires have a lot of money does not make them stupid, they work hard to earn their money, and they wouldn’t be giving it out to just anybody that asked. Nevertheless, they are humans too, and they would help people who are really in need of money. So you have to let them know you have good intentions for the money they are about to help you with. For example, stating that you need help for academic sponsorship is better than saying that you need help buying a Ferrari.

Don’t overdo it

Do not think because you see billionaires are helping people, you can seek one out and ask for financial assistance up to millions of dollars, you won’t get it. We can’t specifically say the maximum amount of money you can seek, but you should know when you are asking too much.

Be honest

If a billionaire should help you out and he/she later discovered that you lied, either of these two things may happen;

* You may face jail time at the court of law for fraudulent activities/extortion.

* Or because of you the billionaire may develop trust issue and wouldn’t want to help anyone coming for help after you. And that is on you; you do not deserve to live among humans.

In some cases, both can happen. So please, be honest in all your dealings, there is a reward for it.

Write to a Millionaire there is nothing to lose
Write to a Millionaire - there is nothing to lose!

Be polite

You being polite is very important. It is their money; they are not obliged to giving it out. You shouldn’t send them email demanding they should help you with money; they will not even reply to your email. Your politeness will move them to help you, and you should make sure to thank them in advance also if you are not sure they will help you. One other thing; if your intention has some tremendous benefit to other people, let it be known in the email.

Write efficiently

The first thing you have to know is that this type of email should be formal, don’t write like you are writing to your family or friend. The content should be concise and direct to the point. Another point to consider while writing is to use proper English; avoid grammatical errors as much as possible, and do not use slang or other unofficial languages.

It is advisable to write the email in the English language, the billionaire you are directing the email to will determine which types of English to use. g.g., British or American.

Use the responsible email address

You can’t expect to use the email address that sounds rascal to ask for financial assistance and hope to be helped. Imagine someone using ‘baddestbitch101@livemail.com’ to seek financial assistance from someone and expect even to be considered. The email receiver would have assessed you and decide you don’t worth it. Know that there are lots of people seeking help from the same person, so do not disqualify yourself from the start.

Write from a first-person perspective

Don’t make the reader believe that other people influence you in seeking help. For example, you should altogether avoid sentences like “William said you have been helping people with money,” or “a friend of mine got help from you, so I think…..” Furthermore, be decisive. For example, avoid sentences like “I think my business will grow if I can get the help of $2,000”, be more like “my business has the potential to grow; I only need $2,000 to implement the growth.”

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

Use appropriate email subject

You should be reminded again that there are thousands of people sending this kind of email to a billionaire on a daily bases. So if you want your email to receive attention quickly, make sure to use an appropriate email subject. Appropriate in the sense that the subject must be simple, yet self-explanatory.

Reread the message

As said earlier, you don’t want to send an email with grammatical errors or any other type of error. It is ideal to reread the entire content.

Send in daylight time

Lastly, make sure to forward your email in daylight time, preferably in the morning. The reason for this is that if you send the email later in the day or midnight, the reader might have done checking his/her email for the day.

What to include in the email content

We discussed politeness earlier in the article, yes you should be polite, but politeness is not the same thing as begging. Never in any way use begging terms. Furthermore, do not appear too desperate. An example of desperation is including your account number in the email. What you can include in the email is your hotline, so that the billionaire can easily reach you if he/she later decides to help you. And in the case of seeking monetary assistance for health issues, you can include authentic medical records to prove that you need the help. Same things applied to education or business, but let the attachments be concise too.

How To Get Money For Free: Structure of the email

· Salutation comes first.

· In the first paragraph, the letter should start with a light appreciation for opening your email in the first place. This should take a maximum of three sentences.

· Then you should introduce yourself and the reason for sending the email.

· The second paragraph should explain your intention for the money in full detail. If the paragraph is getting too big, you can break it into two paragraphs.

· If available, put the positive outcome of using the money for the intended usage.

· Once again, appreciation for helping you in advance. And hope that you will get a response soon

millionaires free money

A sample email to Jeff Bezos for Money in 2020

Dear Mr. Bezos,

I appreciate the time you take to read the content of this email. My name is John Doe; a student at Stanford University, California. My father passed away when I was three, and a single mother raised me. Ever since I was young, I wanted to become a doctor to save lives. And my mother has been doing a lot to see my dream come true, but unfortunately, she lost her job three months ago.

I am seeking a fully-funded scholarship from you to complete my academic programs here at Stanford University; I’m in level 4 and have 3 more levels to go. I have tried my very best to raise some amount, and it is not enough, I have three weeks left to complete my sessional registration and failure to do this will result in me dropping out of school. You can review my academic report for last semester, which is attached to this email.

Conclusion on How to Get Money for Free

Help can come from anywhere, including the rich that regards you as a stranger. All you need is the right way to ask, and that is what this article has taught you. So, as you finally know how to get money for free, the only thing left is for me to wish you good luck!

Feel free to contact me through means at your disposal on this internet page. I will closely consider every request and decide on possible funding.


As 2020 came knocking on our door, I was prepared and had already created my monthly lists and goals that I want to achieve in the next year, but also in the new decade ahead. One of the goals is to donate about $10 Million over the next 5 years again - both in cash and in-kind, and provide you with services that can reduce your debt, but also open up new opportunities towards achieving your financial and business-related independence. Read my full pledge here!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Millionaires give away money you ask?

Do millionaires give away money you ask? Well, let me answer that question... Many millionaires do, whether for tax benefits, because of personal tragedy, or just from having a heart of gold. Some have given away nearly everything they own, while others manage to give while still maintaining their personal wealth. Either way, it's fascinating when millionaires give away their money, and the rest of us imagine what we would do if we were in the same position.
Do Millionaires Give Away Money?
Do Millionaires Give Away Money?

Before We start   

Firstly, there are some ways to capitalize on a free money giveaway, no strings attached, that you may want to try to get in on.   All over the world, millionaires and billionaires giving money away, are handing out cash to those that are in need. I do the same thing! So, just proceed and make your request HERE!  If you are in need of some assistance, perhaps this is a good option for you.   Once you find a list of millionaires that give cash to help out others, you can write to them.   If you are saying, I need cash now, let's explore how you should construct a letter to try to get in on a free money giveaway, no strings attached.

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

I will fund your business idea with $10.000 grant!

The best way towards riches is your own unique idea. You always have to consider to make money yourself and continue earning it more and more easily. As you know already, the internet is one of the markets that is expanding extremely fast. Maybe you have a good idea for an online home business that could bring quite a buck? Then you should definitely go for it! I will fund your business idea with a free $10.000 grant!

Do Millionaires Give Away Money: Significance!

Millionaires who give away money have the power to change hundreds of lives or make a significant impact in a community. While small donations certainly add up and also make an important difference, when a millionaire gives away money, there is usually an immediate result. The donated money can have long-term effects, such as sending students to college, providing homes and food for the less fortunate, or giving someone in unfortunate circumstances a "leg up." In many cases, those who have benefited from the money go on to become successful and in turn donate their time or money, continuing the work set in motion by the millionaire.

Do Millionaires Give Away Money: Types

Millionaires who give away money do it for a variety of reasons or a combination of reasons. These donations may be made for tax relief purposes. In this way, wealthy individuals can have a more direct say in how their money is used, and it also benefits a nonprofit organization. Some millionaires give money away because they have been affected in a personal way by disease or situation. For example, a millionaire with a family member diagnosed with breast cancer is likely to give away money to help with cancer research or that helps breast cancer victims afford treatment. Some millionaires give money to those in less fortunate circumstances because they believe it is the right thing to do. They recognize that they have been fortunate and have the ability to help others.

millionaires giving money away
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter.

Effects of Money Giveaways

When a millionaire gives, the donation tends to snowball. Not only are others encouraged to give more, the purchasing power of the organization or recipient increases, which makes all of the donated dollars go further. In addition, retailers and suppliers like to get in on the act when a well-known millionaire donates, and stores or manufacturers will often donate products and services to go along with a millionaire's donation. A wealthy donor may also provide the seed money for a fund-raising event, paying for advertising, space rental, and other costs associated with a fundraiser, making every dollar stretch even more.

Things you have to Consider

Before a millionaire gives away money, he will often investigate the organization he intends to donate to and carefully consider how the money will be used. Like everyone else, he wants to be sure that the money will be used for its intended purpose and that it will be spent carefully.

The amount of tax saved through donation is also a popular consideration, as is who will actually benefit from the money.

Do Millionaires Give Away Money: Misconceptions

While the rare few millionaires who give away nearly everything they have should be recognized for their generous nature, there is a common misconception that those who maintain their wealth don't give as much. By maintaining their wealth, millionaires who give only a portion of their income are able to continue to give year after year and often in greater and greater amounts.

Over a lifetime, a millionaire who holds on to his wealth is likely to give far more than a millionaire who gave everything she had.


The ADE Option - Debt management!

The debt management sector has exploded in recent years with many businesses and organizations joining the fold.

Consumers who are stressed out by their financial problems may find it even more stressful to navigate their options to find the most suitable solutions.

American Debt Enders has provided a viable solution by acting as a hub for these services and providing live customer support so that clients can get the help they need.

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Added know-how: Why do Millionaires stay wealthy?

Once a person has become a millionaire, it can take some work to stay wealthy. The first step is to manage the money carefully. Rather than giving in to the temptation to run out and buy expensive cars and a mansion-sized house, the wisest move is to avoid adopting an extravagant lifestyle. Smart millionaires choose their splurges carefully and limit the number of large purchases they make. Spending without restraint is the easiest way to cause one's assets to vanish rapidly.

Investments or Continued Income

Simply having a million dollars in the bank isn't exactly enough to sustain you forever. Some millionaires continue to build their wealth by working in a lucrative career, such as being a corporate CEO or a cardiac surgeon. Others who prefer not to work after making their millions might use their money to make investments, which can create profits with very little work. Some millionaires choose to invest their money in the stock market, whereas others buy real estate or other assets that they expect to appreciate. Smart investments can result in millionaires' wealth growing rapidly enough that the millionaire can choose to live a more luxurious lifestyle without the risk that the money will run out.

Financial Advisors

Millionaires who did not originally make their money by investments, or who lack strong financial know-how, usually stay wealthy by having a trusted financial advisor who is able to manage the investments in order to grow the money at a rapid enough pace to maintain the millionaire's desired lifestyle. Millionaires who use financial advisors (or money managers) must be very careful who they choose for the role, given that incorrect decisions by a financial advisor can lead to the wealth disappearing.

Feel free to contact me through means at your disposal on this internet page. I will closely consider every request and decide on possible funding.


As 2020 came knocking on our door, I was prepared and had already created my monthly lists and goals that I want to achieve in the next year, but also in the new decade ahead. One of the goals is to donate about $10 Million over the next 5 years again - both in cash and in-kind, and provide you with services that can reduce your debt, but also open up new opportunities towards achieving your financial and business-related independence. Read my full pledge here!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Giving Away Money 2020

If you think millionaires giving away money sounds like a fairytale, you’re in for a surprise. The reasons they do so are many, but the move isn’t exactly shrouded in mystery. In fact, there are actually some sensible reasons for giving away money.

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