If you follow The Millionaire Gives Money Away Blog then you'll know that these posts are a series of guides giving financially destitute people ideas of making money really fast and more importantly legally. If you need $2000 dollars really fast and your willing to do anything then there are ways you can achieve this. Be sure to check out how you can make $10,000, $5000, and $1000 really fast which are listed below.
I Need $2000 Dollars Right Now |
SO, have you totaled your car? Had a medical emergency? Unexpected job loss? When you are strapped for cash, it may seem like there is nowhere to turn.
In fact, there are a multitude of options when you need the money and have used up (or never had) an emergency fund. Of course, the best option is to save up the money yourself and avoid going into debt. But if that's not possible, check out some of the available methods to help you when you're in a pinch. You can ask me as well.
Before We start
Firstly, there are some ways to capitalize on a free money giveaway, no strings attached, that you may want to try to get in on. All over the world, millionaires and billionaires giving money away, are handing out cash to those that are in need. I do the same thing! So, just proceed and make your request HERE! If you are in need of some assistance, perhaps this is a good option for you. Once you find a list of millionaires that give cash to help out others, you can write to them. If you are saying, I need cash now, let's explore how you should construct a letter to try to get in on a free money giveaway, no strings attached.
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter. |
I will fund your business idea with $10.000 grant!
The best way towards riches is your own unique idea. You always have to consider to make money yourself and continue earning it more and more easily. As you know already, the internet is one of the markets that is expanding extremely fast. Maybe you have a good idea for an online home business that could bring quite a buck? Then you should definitely go for it! I will fund your business idea with a free $10.000 grant!
I Need 2,000 Dollars Right NOW - Intro
Now that you want to learn how to make $2000 quickly because you're desperate you need to know that there is an element of risk involved. You'll be thrown out of your comfort zone and you'll really have to test yourself mentally and physically. If you do pull through then this will be a great personal victory and it will teach you to dig really deep and make things happen so you can rise out of poverty.
I Need 2000 Dollars Right NOW List
1. Rent Your Home for $2000
This is something I tried and it worked, I rented my home out for a year for $2000 provided I was still allowed to live there. There were some rules like being paid upfront. Lots of people will be interested because they will save money if they pay in advance. To make everything above board you could draft contracts where you agree to rent your house for a year for 2000 dollars.
Another way I made $2000 dollars per month was by living in a caravan I bought on eBay and then subletting my home out to tenants after rigorous vetting, Living in a caravan is extremely difficult however I was determined to do it to pay off my debt and it worked. After a year I was debt-free and able to move back into my property if I choose to.
2. Sell Shares in Assets You Have
If you've got any assets that are of value or are generating income you could sell shares in this asset. If you've got property rented out or have an online business then quickly work out how much money it's generating in a month and then put a value on it, you could then sell some shares in the asset and generate income for the buyer. If you've got an online business or property that is generating $1000 per month, you could sell 20% of this for $2000, the investor would recoup the money in 10 months and enjoy payments for the rest of their lives as long as the income keeps coming in.
You could have a clause to repurchase the shares in your asset once you've used the money to do whatever you need to. I sold shares to my family members in my property I rented out. They enjoyed 20% of the payments for $20,000 upfront and after a few years, I was able to repurchase the shares back from them. It's important that you understand and forecast your cash flow properly otherwise there is a possibility you might miss payments. Have contingency plans in place.
Your 10.000$ are inside. Click to enter. |
3. Learn How to Do High Paying Jobs
Quickly learning high paying trades and then doing jobs at knock down prices is a great way to earn fast money. If you need $2000 very quickly you could learn how to install a boiler, how to laminate floors, how to decorate houses. What you are looking for is a job that pays you a lot of money very quickly. Decorators can decorate a house within a week and get paid a lot of money, plumbers usually charge $2000 to install a system which takes about a week. If you can align yourself with an expert and offer your help you could make a lot of money.
I learned how to replace boiler systems from a qualified plumber. I charged $500 dollars to replace these systems and the work took me 4 hours. I was able to replace two systems per day and I was able to make $800 per day just by keeping busy. Create an effective marketing system and offer the service at a knockdown price and you will make money I kid you not!
The ADE Option - Debt management!
The debt management sector has exploded in recent years with many businesses and organizations joining the fold.
Consumers who are stressed out by their financial problems may find it even more stressful to navigate their options to find the most suitable solutions.
4. Penny Shares and Option Trading
Penny shares can offer explosive growth, sometimes that can double or quadruple in value if you can leverage the money and use strict stop losses you could make a lot of money if you choose the right stock. You could also buy cheap company options just before they report. A lot of investors make money by investing in cheap items like penny stocks and options and then control their risk and let the upside run-up.
Learn how to analyze stocks fundamentally and technically and learn money management strategies so if you make a wrong decision you won't be wiped out completely. It's recommended that you paper trade at first to get invaluable practice just until you get the hang of trading penny stocks. Avoid all tips and rumors because you will eventually lose money if base your decision on these things.
5. Deep Cleaning Homes
My friend tried this and it worked. If you live in an area where rental turnaround is high you could visit all the estate agents in your area and offer a deep cleaning service. Normally agents pay anything between $500 to $1000 for a deep clean which you can do in a couple of days. If you can secure a few contracts like these then you'll be well on your way to making $2000.
6. Recycling Other People's Cell Phones
Recycling cell phones is a big business. You won’t make a fortune recycling your own phone but just imagine how much money you could make recycling other people's phones. To get started create a marketing campaign asking for old phones. To get people to give their own phone you could give a proportion of the profits to charity. Most people just throw away their own phones however if they think they can help someone then it's more than likely they'll give it away for recycling.
If you can go door to door for old phones you will be able to generate 2000 dollars very quickly. I know someone who used this strategy and now he has his own mobile phone recycling business! It works…
Millionaire Gives Away Money Right Now |
7. Take Part in Clinical Trials for more than 2000 Dollars
I love clinical trials because you're compensated for your time and you get an overwhelming feeling of goodness because you're helping humanity by helping to create new medicines. You can make anything between 2000 and 5000 dollars when you take part in clinical trials depending on your level of health.
Healthy people, as well as ill people, can take part. You can find a whole list of clinical trials by going to the official government site. If you can take part in 4 clinical trials a year you could make up to 20,000 dollars.
8. Sell Items from Alibaba
China is the economic powerhouse of the world and you can get extremely cheap goods from wholesale sites such as Alibaba. To make 2000 dollars quickly do some research to find items on eBay which have excess demand. You then need to find a supplier in China who can sell you these items.
You can then list the items on eBay and watch the revenue come in. The key to success here giving a great service, maintaining a good relationship with suppliers as well as researching thoroughly on items that are likely to sell well.
9. Create a YouTube Channel to Earn 2000 Dollars
This idea is for incredibly creative people who love to present themselves. To get started now think of a subject you want to talk about. You can also pick a product or service area that you want to review. Make sure there is commercial value in these niches so you can be sure to make a profit. Create high-quality HD videos and promote these videos using social media and monetize using an advertising agency.
If your video goes viral you could potentially make 2000 dollars with just one well placed highly creative video. There are YouTube channels that make over 100,000 dollars per month, so it is possible to make 2000 dollars quickly.
10. Become a Designer to Generate 2000 Dollars Quickly
Designing is a big business as more and more people get creative in the world. If you're creative then learn a popular software design platform and offer services on Fiverr, oDesk, and eLance. You can charge anything between 50 and 500 dollars for a design. If you can do a few of these designs per week you can easily generate 2000 dollars quickly. It really is possible.
I Need 2000 Dollars Right Now - Conclusion
Making $2000 dollars fast can be done, let me say it again it can be done. If you're willing to work hard, use your brains, and be prepared to leave your comfort zone you could reach your target. If you're really determined you will reach your goal and when you do you will feel liberated because you know you've dug deep to do what you set out to do. Here are the suggestions again.
1. Rent Your Home for $2000
2. Sell Shares in Assets You Have
3. Learn how to do high paying jobs
4. Penny Shares and Options Trading
5. Deep Cleaning Houses
If you need urgent financial assistance then you could try getting financial help from the Government through the USA.Gov website. The Government has mortgage assistance programs, debt management & debt consolidation programs, financial help for self-employed and financial help for pensioners.
Feel free to contact me through means at your disposal on this internet page. I will closely consider every request and decide on possible funding.
As 2020 came knocking on our door, I was prepared and had already created my monthly lists and goals that I want to achieve in the next year, but also in the new decade ahead. One of the goals is to donate about $10 Million over the next 5 years again - both in cash and in-kind, and provide you with services that can reduce your debt, but also open up new opportunities towards achieving your financial and business-related independence. Read my full pledge here!